Saturday, August 05, 2006

My F*cked-Up Life

I'm surrounded by people who ultimately turn on. After dissapointing me. (I'm passive-agressive so I basically put upo with the dissapointing. Well, I mean, I would never confront anyone.)

And my marriage is, in a word, a punishment.

Too simple an example (that is, the situation might get under-described to the point that this doesn't make as much sense as it should): I scratch my car (a recurring occurrence, I have to admit), and there's hell to pay. My wife has succesfully turned her more expensive car into a complete piece of garbage: it stinks, it's ripped up all over inside, seats and panels, and the floor, particular next to the driver, is always covered with crap, some possibly organic. Periodically she therefore has to spend an our or two to clean out the car so it can stay neat and clean for an hour or two.

Am I the only one who sees an imbalance?

And someday maybe I'll discuss my exx-and-hopefully-not-future employer who very generously used my name to respond to postings from allegedly horny women on Craig's List. (Need I add without my knowledge or permission.)

Obviously, the question is How did I come to this point? Why do all my relationships turn bad? (Wait, that one I do have the answer for, pretty much.) Why do all my relationships involve people with pathologies?

Or maybe a better question would be What to do? Do I even especially care at this point in my life? In this case is running away, far away, not a really good solution? Really?


Blogger Cobainess - ambalika said...

hi, my name is Ambalika. I am from India, while reading random blogs, i just happened to read urs. I wanted to tell u that u r perhaps living the life that i want, thus i do envy u. I am a final year under grad law student, and an NYU aspirant for LLM. You are a lawyer who lives in NY.. you are rather very fortunate.. Your marital problems can be overcome, these are things that everyone faces.. general hiccups in life.. U are a lawyer, do u think u shld be passive..? No, perhaps u shld speak up.. There is this person, who i believe in so much, who says that every problem can be resolved through dialogue.. pls do not give up hope.. take care,


I am sorry for leaving a such a personal comment

1:22 AM  

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